
What is an Angel? Well, there are of course Angels in Heaven...but there are Angels here on Earth also. They are here looking for an investment that will give them a better return on their money than traditional investments. They usually invest amounts of money under $200,000.

Angels are most likely to invest in companies that are in their home state or region, and most of them invest in companies within a 50 mile radius of their home or business.

Angels generally expect at least a 25% annual return on their investments. They don't accept all investment opportunities that come their way. They are most likely to turn you down if they don't think your business idea has growth potential, if they don't think you can pull it off, or if there isn't enough information about you.

So how do you find an Angel? Well, there are Angel Networks. They show your business plan to their investors and charge you anywhere from $25.00 to $2000.00 to do that. However, the price is usually around $400.00 or $500.00.

To find the networks, talk to your lawyer or banker. You might also try doing a search on the internet with any search engine.

Before approaching a network, be sure that you have an adequate business plan.

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