A grant is a good idea if you have a non-profit company. Most grants are available for the development of a product or service that will be of use to the public, or something the government needs.
You can find grant announcements in The Federal Register, which is published every business day by the Federal Government. The Federal Register can be obtained in University or Public Libraries.
Another good source for grant information, is The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, which is published annually by the Federal Government, and can usually be found in your Public Library. A copy can also be obtained by contacting the General Service Administration, 300 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20407, (202)708-5082.
Some state or local governments also have grant money, or act as a clearing house for Federal Funds. Contact you state or local Office of Economic Development to get information on these grants.
The Small Business Innovation Research Award Program is an option if your business is technology related geared toward the governments needs. Check out The SBIR Presolicitation Announcement, published quarterly, for more information. You should be able to obtain a copy at your local library. If they don't have it, ask them to order it for you.
You should also obtain the Proposal Preparation Handbook from the Small Business Association.
It's a good idea to learn how to write grant proposals if you will be applying for very many grants throughout the course of your business. Otherwise, you will have to pay a Grant Writer....and they charge plenty. There's a home based business idea for you!